
Archive for November, 2013|Monthly archive page

Together again for a and laughter

In Uncategorized on November 17, 2013 at 8:57 am
After months, the first time in our home together... and maybe the last time.

After months, the first time in our home together… and maybe the last time.

Thanks to Ari, we were  masked and able to go home today for the first time since Ari left for his India trip at the end of September. He returned October 29th, with nearly PERFECT spect scans of his beautiful, bright brain!!!! We are still celebrating the miraculous improvement and excited to see how he progresses in the next months.

While Ari was gone, Dannie spent the same month in Peninsula Hospital. We did not post this, as we wanted Ari to not worry while around the world getting stem cell transplant. Today is the very first time Dannie was able to get out of bed to venture home, and the first time we have all been together here since September.

Due to the mold in our home, Ari was not able to return home from India and Dannie was not able to discharge from the hospital home either. Ari has been staying with an amazing and welcoming family, pushing through his shyness and reserve and Dannie and I have been with another generous family who have opened their guest room to us.

We are continuing to look for a new place…. nothing yet.

More to come. Just wanted to share our latest family portrait!!! Smiles wide beneath the masks…

Gratitude for life and the love of family and friends.
