
Archive for February, 2012|Monthly archive page


In Uncategorized on February 14, 2012 at 8:09 am

Hello Everybody

It’s hard to believe that this is my sixth Monday in New Delhi! My feelings of time are different here; it feels like it’s been both long and short at the same time. I am now well on my way to complete healing!

I am feeling a bit tired today, but my sleep is starting to recover after an off-week of waking up several times per night. When I spoke to the doctor about this, she believed that it may be part of the “Retracing” process which the stem-cells tend to trigger for Lyme Disease patients. In this retracing, patients often experience a series of symptoms that previously occurred during the course of the illness, which may or may not have been present recently for the patient. I believe that during my stay here, I have experienced a handful of possible retracing symptoms.

Otherwise, my schedule at the clinic keeps me feeling busy.

I continue each day to thank God for all the blessings and stem-cells I experience/receive on a daily basis, and pray that my sister is able to make the journey here soon despite the recent decline in her health.

Thanks everyone for your encouraging and loving comments, support, and prayers! I wouldn’t be here if not for grace of God many great people! And for this I am extremely grateful!




In Uncategorized on February 13, 2012 at 11:10 pm

Clint and I


Some more pictures

In Uncategorized on February 8, 2012 at 7:51 pm

puppies from down the road

Feeding the puppies!


Time for an update!

In Uncategorized on February 8, 2012 at 2:51 pm

Hello Again!

It is Wednesday just before noon as I write this, laying down, having just had my third caudal stem-cell injection/procedure.  As with each procedure and every stem-cell dose, I am filled with gratitude and excitement for the fact that I am here, on the other side of the world getting this amazing treatment, and also for what this will mean for the rest of my life as I become able to function more, take on adult responsibilities, and live life!

At the direction of Dr. Geeta, I have joined a local gym with the intention of working with some weights in order that I “change my body type” and develop muscle.  While I feel a bit out of place in the weight section of the gym, I am eager to comply with every aspect of my treatment plan, and to do all in my power to make this trip the most effective.  With a busy morning schedule and given that my longest break before evening is between noon and 2pm (physio is at 11am and 2pm) and coincides with lunch (usually arrives around 1pm), I plan to make time for the gym in the evenings – maybe every other day or so.

I will upload some pictures later in the day.



Thank you everyone for your comments!

In Ari, Medical, New Delhi, Personal on February 4, 2012 at 12:31 pm

Hello everyone!

Thank you all very much for your supportive and loving comments! It is a joy for me to read and be reminded of all those that have so generously supported and encouraged me, and have made it possible for me to be where I am now.

Right mow I have just started a 4ml stem-cell dose with additional hydration through an IV drip (4ml is a “higher” dose that is administered maybe every week or so depending on my other procedures). This will be followed by another IV filled with a multivitamin.

I am very pleased to report that since my arrival I have experienced reduced daily back pain (almost none on a “regular day” now), levels of energy comparable to what I had at home but without needing adderall, which is huge for me (adderall was the only way I was able to get up everyday and get myself dressed and to take one class), as well a some increased muscle tone, thanks to the rigorous physio therapy routine (11 times per week!).

While I am still very limited in endurance, number of wakeful hours, ability to proccess new information throuought the day, and other physical limitations, the slow changes I have experienced so far give me great excitement and hopeful thoughts of one day being an independent adult man (though not independent of the Lord my God), according to His glory.

Suffice it to say, I am in great spirits this Saturday! I am grateful to the Lord for his many blessings, and to the the people who have given their love and their resources to make my treatment and healing possible, and to those who continue in their love, compassion, kindness, support, and generosity to make healing a reality for Dannie also!

With love, excitement, and gratitude,






