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Leaning into Life…Mentor Needed Volunteer

In Uncategorized on January 18, 2017 at 7:11 pm

CREATIVE MENTOR WANTED for bright young woman in her 20s recovering from Lyme Disease who has been ill since 10 years old. Both Ari and Imani are anxious to live life as fully as possible, even in the midst of medical challenges. Because of the isolation caused by their illness and the myriad symptoms including cognitive challenges which impact organizing and execution of tasks, someone to mentor and guide would make a LIFE CHANGING DIFFERENCE! Kate, their mother, must work six days a week, often in excess of 8 hours, to meet the financial demands of medical care, and cannot be present. Since the illness entered their lives, Ari and Imani have had to fend on their own a great deal of the time since they were 10 and 12 years old. This, the 20s decade, is a very pivotal time and both Ari and Imani  to establish themselves as young adults. They are deeply committed to making their lives as productive and meaningful as possible.
We’re looking for someone (or a team) with a compassionate, lively, go-getter personality.

Imani needs more intensive assistance, Ari just a bit!

Ideas for tasks include:

– Teach Imani life skills (checking account, organizing daily activities, managing personal affairs, etc.)

– Plan, coordinate  and participate in activities (art, exercises, stretching, outing, community activities as health allows, etc.)

-Not necessary, but would be great: help Imani with computer. Finding on line learning experiences, setting them in motion. (ie: Imani is interested in learning sign language)

– Be present and engaged


Looking for someone(s)  with compassion, initiative, health-minded and excellent communication skills!  English proficient required. No previous experience required.
Times/days extremely flexible  at your convenience. A  tag-team of two people might work.


-Clear communication in English
-Initiative, self-starter
-Ability to work independently
-Empathy and kindness
-Ability and willingness to plan and  provide appropriate activities
-Driver’s license

Looking UP and OUT